It’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed such a feel-good group ride, especially one that slips from dusk into night and finishes with a city finale, dynamo lights blazing (and a round of paletas and a plate heaped with tacos al pastor).
This ride one was a semi-farewell to Chalino, who is off back to Canada (but may well return). To mark the occasion, he’d attached a whole, ripe and juicy pineapple to his fork leg. It survived intact, jettisoning only like a bowling ball on the very last descent. Still, everyone enjoyed guzzling it down around the lake.
We also had a couple of out-of-towners in the gang – Cat and Tucker – aboard a Surly ECR and Bridgestone MB-5. They’re off to ride to Santiago Apoala. Plus, James was aboard his brand new Surly Krampus, purchased here in Mexico – this would be its official shake down ride. Chuck met us at the lake, so Huesos was thrilled to see his best buddy Castaña too. Happy vibes all around!
I’ve been feeling an ever stronger urge to return home to Europe for a while, but it’s at times like this that I’m reminded how grateful I am to be here in Oaxaca, and the community that I’m a part of. So, here’s to more rides with friends and the memories that we forge together!

Chaline and his Univega with Stridesland Barnacle fork, and homemade bags that match his shorts…

James and his brand new Surly Krampus, complete with Corner bars.

Kat and her Bridgestone MB-5. She bought the frame at her local bike co-op for $30!

Tucker and his ECR. In Yaxe (on the Grand Dirt Tour), he met a special street dog and is seriously considering returning to scoop it up…

Adam and his Univega. Adam kept us sharp with round upon round of lakeside coffee.
Always love Chalino’s video captures!
This route is a Sunday favourite, as it’s a popular destination for picnicking Oaxacans. But it’s a fun day ride during the week, when you’ll likely have it to yourself. The map below isn’t exactly the way we rode at the weekend (it’s the loop I did with Sage and Emma, a couple of weeks prior), but it’s one of several options if you want to keep to quiet rural roads and terracerias, and crane your neck up towards Tule’s mighty Montezuma cypress.
Also: When I say ‘club’, I’m not thinking ‘exclusive club’, just a fun place to hang out. Anyone with a bike can join Bike Club, aka BiciBici Oaxaca!