Category: E-bikes

Dog-E-Bikepacking Shakedown Ride!
Variations and permutations… some setup details of our e-Jones and trailer setup.

A milk crate on the Jones LWB HD/e for city hauling, and more thoughts on the Bafang
Updated thoughts, and a wear and tear report on the Jones LWB HD/e, now that there’s a good 5000km on the clock…

April Oaxaca Catchup, Linkglide, and E-Biking With A Broken Toe!
My toe, sustainability in cycling, and appreciating both acoustic and e-bikes…

A day out with the Jones LWB HD/e
Testing out the Jones LWB HD/e with the Farfarer trailer… and a dog called Huesos.

The Jones Plus LWB HD/e for e-bike commuting, day rides, and touring.
Long-term thoughts on the Jones LWB HD/e and Bafang BBSHD kit, a bike that can be both electric-assisted or fully human-powered.
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