Huesos is 2(ish) today!

It's Huesos' unofficial birthday today, which seems like a good excuse to gather together a little photo and video montage...

It’s hard to believe that Huesos is 2 today!

Who’s a happy dog!

For those who aren’t aware of his origin story, Emma and I found Huesos as a frail, feverish and weak pup out on a favourite Oaxacan mountain biking trail – Escalones – in a remote spot that’s some ways away from the nearest dwelling. He was completely parched in the heat, and living off beetles and bugs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He had a family of maggots in various wounds and ticks had taken up residence all over his scrawny body.

This is how Baby Huesos looked when we first found him.

And this is how he looked a couple of weeks later, with a cauldron of chicken soup in his belly and oodles of love and attention. After rough start to life, someone hit the jackpot!

Back then, he fit conveniently in a 6L Swift Catalyst handlebar bag, which we used to first transport him down from the mountains into town, where a platter of tacos awaited.

Baby Huesos getting the zoomies for the very first time!

The poor little guy had a rough first few months in life, and while we quickly put meat on those skinny bones of his, it took a while for him to gain social confidence, especially amongst other dogs. His tail was forever tucked between in legs when we took him out and he screamed whenever he was picked up – perhaps because he’d be thrown in the past.

Massive thanks are due to two rescue shelters – run by Rebecca at Friends of Megan and Caitlin at Caravana Canina – for the time they put in with him, socialising him with other people and dogs. Their dedication to caring for Oaxaca’s street dogs is inspiring. Huesos adored being with them.

Animal Shelters in Oaxaca:

Learning to play with other puppies at Friends of Megan, an animal shelter in San Pablo Etla. The double arm hold you can see in the third picture has since become his signature wrestling move.

He was probably about 12kg then, and a bit bigger every time we visited. Now he’s 18kg or so.


Huesos has always been on the leggy side, even if he’s filled out a bit these days. I do wonder what mix of dog breeds he might be. German or Belgian Shepherd, for sure. Perhaps some kind of sighthound, too?

Long Legs Huesos.

As a Stars Wars fan, the AT-AT is my favourite.

These days, Huesos is a regular on, and you can find some Huesos-related gear reviews within the links below:

  • Our experiences with the K9 Sportsack, which we used when he was younger.
  • A post about our cratepacking experiences can be found here, if you’re curious about dogs and milk crates.
  • And should you want to read all about his wonderful Francis Cycles Farfarer trailer, you can do so here.

Huesos also pops up in a number of routes I’ve posted to the site, like the Vuelta de Santiago Apoala, as well as all over this blog of course. I love that he’s in most of the Rider and Rig (Oaxaca Chapter) portraits that I’ve been gathering – Huesos enjoys nothing more than meeting up with bikepackers passing through town. Better still, a group bikepack into the Sierra Norte. The Huesos Pack!

From backpack to milk crate to bicycle trailer, Huesos has become quite the bike traveller as he’s grown in size. I’d say he’s happiest in the high country, and he does love a campout too.

We’ve now been on dozens of local trips with him, from a night to a week in duration. In fact, I’ve barely been on a ride without him since he’s been around.

First overnighter with the milk crate.

Living life in the fast lane, courtesy of the Francis Cycles Farfarer trailer.

Figuring out those hairpin turns!

Bumping our way down Mil Rios trail.

Recent trips in Oaxaca.

For his birthday, he’s getting some favourite treats – a chicken’s foot, a beef bone, a chicken liver, and maybe even a new rope toy from the pet shop.

This weekend, he’s also going to go out and see some of his buddies, like:

  • Brown Dog
  • Coleen
  • The 3 Amigos
  • Lucky
  • Pinto
  • Old Dog
  • Chewy

I’ll endeavour to try and get photos of each, and add them to this post at some point so you can put faces to names.

I’m by no means a dogpacking expert, but feel free to ask any questions.

That’s it. Thanks for reading!

Comments (6):

  1. Harry

    16 April 2023 at 6:14 pm

    I love this! Big hugs to Huesos from Canada!

    • Cass

      16 April 2023 at 7:14 pm

      He would love to see you guys again!

  2. Logan

    18 April 2023 at 1:50 am

    Happy b-day Huesos! I need another leggy pic for a new series…

    • Cass

      19 April 2023 at 10:56 pm

      I fear the Long Leg days are over. However, he does a very good forward stretch that could work.

  3. mark sirek

    20 April 2023 at 1:18 pm

    I love him

    • Cass

      21 April 2023 at 9:33 pm

      And he will love you too, when you finally meet!


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